(2014-06-18 8:51 AM)
ways of seeing:make sense of modren poetry'i believe in what i do not see, & solely in what i feel.'--Gustave Moreau modren poets improve the world(like engineers, medical doctors,...)?enforce moral rules?[modren poetry began in France]since 1848, & especially after 1871, lots of poets have not seen things as they 'really' are, & in 'proper' perspective.french litt is compulsory for all F 6 students in france. pls check their textbooks[a great Sorbonne prof may teach a minor writer's works, e g, J-P Richard taught Colette],& see how many major modren french poets can pass catechism test.[there aremany french catholic priests in HK & Macau (e g, institut ricci), & quite a few local priests speak & read french, e g, Prof Louis Ha, cuhk]victor FOK