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How to Make Love to a Woman
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How to make love to a woman este o comedie care prezinta dilemele unui tanar care nu stie cum sa faca dragoste cu iubita lui, Laura.  Andy este un muzician care habar nu are cum sa-si satisfaca prietena. Pe cale de consecinta, apeleaza la colegii sai (printre care si Jenna Jameson care isi joaca propriul rol), muzicieni si ei, pentru a primi sfaturi pertinente. Dar timpul il strange cu usa intrucat se simte amenintat de aparitia vechiului sau prieten din copilarie, chipes si spiritual, Daniel. Toate detaliile picante despre cum se face cu adevarat dragoste, sunt prezentate de Jenna Jameson care "arde" de nerabdare sa va invete toate trucurile necesare pentru a depasi acele bariere ale comunicarii care apar intre femei si barbati sub asternuturi.
Categorie: Comedie | Adaugat de: FlorynKILL (2010-07-29)
Vizualizari: 1032 | Comentarii: 1 | Tags: film online subtitrat, film 2010, film online How to Make Love to a W | Raging: 0.0/0
Total comentarii : 1
1 Zhong  
What a wonderful blsiesng to never have had an experience so horrific you willfully forget it. I find it difficult to believe that it did not happen earlier in history. Simply because it was not written about does not mean it didn't happen. By that theory, plenty of things happened that were never written about so couldn't be real.... Imagine the Salem witch trials. How well would one come out of that who admitted to not remembering? Can you imagine the ridicule? Is it possible they might even have been thought of as possessed? If being burned at the stake were a possible consequence, I'm quite certain withholding the truth would be preferable. Science is ever changing and ever expanding its knowledge, and there is still so much to learn. I confess that I sometimes find amnesia in a story too convenient and contrived, but in such cases it isn't the only problem I have with the story. I've also found stories where it suits very well and adds and interesting facet.

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